onsdag 8 september 2010

no. 33

7 kommentarer:

Lucas sa...

So that was the cool way eh... really tough shark-whale-monster which can withstand both the Dylan-punch and his helmet going berserk and still stay alive until it gets killed by darts... exploding darts :D ...don't play with those darts

I really hope it's dead

Eli sa...

weeell all of that stuff was in a dream... The darts was really the first time the whale got hit with anything real. I guess without power ups, it was just like any other big fish...

Eli sa...

or shit, thats how I interpret it anyway

Anton Krüll sa...

The dream begins after they are puked up by the whale, and in the puking he loses his powerup. so when they wake up from the dream he is powered down and Kabloomed by Rainbow. Thats whats up!

Eli sa...

Yeah! Och pax

Anonym sa...

okaay :O

Johan sa...

Clear as day!